Nationwide Transport Services 3 Day 10-Year Anniversary Event in Orlando, FL 2019
We are happy to say that we, Nationwide Transport Services, celebrated our 10 year anniversary in December 2019. We hosted our entire company personnel and their significant others in Orlando, Florida for 3 days. We dined to celebrate our journey as well as visited universal studios for recreation purposes. The company hosted 100+ people in a block of houses as well as flew in our accounting team, sales team and marketing team from Kentucky including their significant others. Gifts, surprises and raffles were awarded to different individuals who have not rested contributing to the growth of our company.
Our Story! Reflecting on Our Past and Celebrating the Growth
It was a day full of emotions and pride as everyone watched where the company started from and where it is now from a featured video to the owner showcasing the hardships and growth of NTS. It was a day to take a look at our past, appreciate the growth we have experienced and plan on what we can do to scale even higher. We are a company that grew from a small home office. Nationwide Transport Services is a company built through blood and sweat and combined efforts. We have grown from learning through every step of the way and implementing new strategies often to improve our services. We not only appreciate our employees during special events but also in our day to day life. Promotions and more responsibilities motivates our workers and it has always paid off by getting great results. In our celebration, we also took some time to strategize on the new undertakings and implementations to continue growing. Setting new goals as a company as well as each office across different locations setting their own goals.
Resolutions and Strategies
During this 3-day event, our employees shared their ideas on what can be improved and our managers presented their new goals and visions. Besides laughter, we were focused on the main goal which is elevating ourselves to greater heights. Our employees being from different offices across the country had a chance to learn from each other as well. This is because each office has different strategies and ways of carrying out their operations. We’re a company that appreciates both our customers and employees because without them, we would not be where we are. We have always worked hand in hand with both parties to stay at the top.