Nationwide Transport Services at 15 Years
On December 6th, 2025, Nationwide Transport Services celebrated its 15th year anniversary at Sapphire Falls, Orlando. All our employees from our 10 offices were hosted at Hilton Garden Inn with their spouses to celebrate this milestone. We’ve always had a tradition to hold an end-of-the-year Christmas party in December to celebrate each year of productivity and growth, but this year was extra special. Being in the industry for 15 years has been a humbling and learning experience from the different shipments we handle.
The celebration lasted two days, during which we had an awards banquet on the 6th and Universal Studios tickets for the 7th. During this party, our employees from different offices interacted and were awarded trophies based on their yearly performance. Having been our 15th-year celebration, we had extra presents that employees from different offices won in a lottery drawing.
On December 7th, we all went to Universal Studios, an expense paid for by NTS, where we enjoyed different rides and shows. As the company has grown, we’ve opened offices in different locations, making it hard for employees to see each other often. Our end-of-the-year party is a great way to bring everyone together to celebrate our achievements as a team and to see the colleagues we only get to interact with through Zoom calls and emails due to the distance.
Thank you to our customers for your continued support, our employees for their continuous hard work, and our management, which has continuously supported its employees by giving them a chance to provide for their families.