Nationwide Transport Services 4/4 Managers Meeting of 2010 Recap
In the first portion, we discussed sales objectives, personnel requirements, recruitment & training, best sales practices and specialty dispatching. For a company to be at the top of the chart, their sales practices must be the best. That’s why we always make sure to train our logistics agent with best practices in the logistics industry.
In addition to that, we went over how to recruit and train our new employees with some recent training modules and standards. Nationwide Transport Services has grown immensely and continues to do so. This comes with a lot of new responsibilities that make us hire regularly. That’s why we always look for new ways to improve training procedures. We want our logistics agents to be the best in the business and have every chance to succeed.
The second item of business consisted of various items. This included the quality of dispatching, sales contracts, insurance verification procedures, carrier qualifications, factoring approvals, improvement or reorganization, fraud prevention, customer service delegation, damages & insurance, collections and commissions.
Ways to avoid fraud was one of the main topics on the second segment. By use of multiple examples we’re able to learn how to identify fraud and prevent it. We had one more break and returned for the final session where we spoke about analytics, lead generation, CRM transition, system security – cyber attacks, cloning, phishing and email security, advertising & sales promotion, lead management, lead distributions, conversion optimization and LMS solutions.
Email phishing has become one of the most common ways of privacy breach in the United States. We’ve learned to avoid any potential sensitive information breaching by implementing all measures when it comes to privacy protection. In addition to that, periodic fraud testing within our own company has been implemented to make sure that not only our business is safe from scams, fraud and privacy leaking, but also our employees personal data and accounts are safe and sound.