Attendance at Yoder and Frey Heavy Equipment Auction 2020 in Kissimmee, FL
Nationwide Transport Services, we attended Yoder and Frey Heavy Equipment Auction in Kissimmee, Florida on Feb 12th to 15th 2020. The 4 day event had a very specific schedule as different items are to be sold on specific days and in different rings. Yoder and Frey Heavy Equipment Auctions have been top auctioneers since 1964. Their aim has always been to help people buy and sell plant, industrial and construction machinery conveniently and with affordability.
Among the items sold on day one Feb 12th in ring one and two were; garage equipment, rollers, Broom/sweepers/vacuum equipment, pick-ups, skid steer loaders, backhoe loaders, wheeled loaders and many more. On day two, Feb 13th, the items sold in ring one were site dumpers, tracked dumpers, motor graders, dozers, trenchers, milling machine, pavers, cranes, manlifts and more. In ring two it was mainly garage equipment, engines, gear boxes, engine/crawler attachments. It’s always important to note that most auctions mainly have different rings selling different items within the same time. Therefore, it’s always advisable to know which ring is selling the items you want. This will help you avoid confusion of finding the item you wanted sold because you were in a different ring. On Feb 14th, more garage equipment was sold, 6 and 20 ton+ excavators, mini excavators, new buckets, hummers and many more were auctioned. Come Feb 15th which was the last day, more garage equipment, trucks, pick-ups, forklifts, dumpsters and tractors were sold. All the items sold were from different manufacturers and different specifications.
Offering Shipping Solutions at Yoder and Frey Heavy Equipment Auction.
Advertising our division, we brought transport solutions to customers who desperately needed to get the heavy equipment they had bought out of the auction site. We offered free shipping estimates to anyone who was willing to ship any heavy equipment across the 50 states, Canada and Mexico. Our state of art trailers available have the capacity and ability to ship any heavy equipment across the country and beyond. Our experienced and licensed drivers were also available to make the shipments within the shortest durations, right then and there.. We always work to deliver any load before the given deadline. We ended up serving so many customers because we’re a trusted and reliable company who attends every year.