Customs Broker

Logistics Term

Customs Broker Definition

A customs broker is a private individual, partnership, corporation, or association licensed and regulated by U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to help exporters and importers meet federal requirements governing exports and imports.

A customs broker submits the required information and fees to CBP on behalf of the importer or exporter. He or she must be knowledgeable in the admissibility requirements, valuation, entry procedures, applicable taxes, rates of duty, and fees for imported goods.

How To Become A Customs Broker

To become a customs broker, you must pass the Customs Broker License Examination, submit a broker license application with charges, and wait for CBP approval.

The examination takes four and a half hours to complete, and you must attain a minimum of 75%. In addition, you pay $200 for the broker license plus the processing fee. Examination registration must be done 30 days before the actual date, and you have to pay $390.

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