Transit Time
Logistics Term
What’s the transit time?
Transit time is the amount of time taken from the load’s pick-up point to the drop-off location. Transit time is only be estimated, but it’s not guaranteed. That’s because it’s influenced by distance, mode of transport, weather, location, traffic, and others. For example, car shipping transit time is estimated by dividing the number of miles covered by the maximum number of miles drivers can travel per day, which is 500.
Transit Time - In The Field
Heavy traffic will increase the transit time because drivers can be stuck on the road for an unknown amount of time. If you use open-air transport, the transit time will be more because drivers will have to stop regularly to drop off and pick up other loads. When shipping a car, be open to a change in delivery time because anything can happen along the way. It can either be punctual or slightly after the agreed-upon date. Congested cities increase the transit time because drivers can’t maneuver easily. Depending on the shipment, transit time can either be days or hours.